A Balanced Approach to People and the Planet
Companies must learn to live lightly, lift people up, and do everything possible to leave our planet better than we found it. At BEGA, the pursuit of world-class extends well beyond product design and manufacturing excellence. We understand success is not just reflected in the profit and loss statement, and fundamentally believe in our ability to do good by being good. Here at BEGA, we are committed to social responsibility and minimizing our impact on the environment over time. To deliver on this mission critical brand promise we take a balanced approach to people and the planet.

Diversity and Inclusion
People are BEGA’s greatest asset, and our commitment is to provide an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment for everyone. We strive to be fair, equitable, and respectful at all times, and will not allow racism or discrimination of any kind. BEGA promotes a culture of diversity underpinned by a work environment in which all individuals have equal access to opportunities and resources.
The success of BEGA depends on how well our people perform and how motivated they are to sustain great performance. Regardless of each person’s role on our team - how they feel about their job, their leaders, their peers, and the organization itself affects productivity, and ultimately the ability of all of us at BEGA to achieve our goals.
Environmental Sustainability at BEGA
BEGA’s commitment to the environment is unwavering and has been a critical aspect of our core product design philosophy for over 75 years. BEGA’s products have our steadfast commitment to quality above all, incorporating the highest quality materials for long service life and operational reliability. Our commitment to sustainable resource management is seen throughout our exemplary production facilities and our goal to produce zero landfill waste in three years by practicing recycling, reuse and composting. We have also committed to reduce our dependance on non-renewable resources by reducing our use of natural gas, water and using completely renewable sources for our electricity needs.

Zero Landfill
As BEGA continues its journey to sustainability and environmental responsibility, recycling is a key area of focus. Working hand-in-hand with sustainability experts, BEGA has crafted a set of best practices and accountability loops to ensure we are maximizing our recycled content with certainty. With these new systems and processes in place, we are happy to say that through the 2022 calendar year, BEGA is recycling 94% of all waste generated. Although we are very proud of the progress we’ve made, we will continue to diligently work towards our goal of zero landfill.

Renewable Electricity
BEGA has invested more than $4 million in solar energy production to provide our California campus with renewable electricity. This significantly reduces our reliance on traditional energy sources and reduces our carbon footprint. The BEGA solar system is made up of 2,008 panels, 18 inverters, and two Tesla Mega-Pack Energy Storage Systems (ESS). This system is rated to meet a peak demand of 930.6 kilowatts for BEGA operations. Based on the past energy use from the local utility, Southern California Edison (SCE), this will be a total of 1,274,317 kilowatts annually. Using the Environmental Protection Agency Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, BEGA’s carbon footprint has been reduced by 903 metric tons annually. Then, using the industry accepted standard equations, BEGA can report that this is equivalent to: (a) 195 gasoline powered passenger vehicles driven for one year, or (b) 2,241,645 miles driven by an average gasoline powered passenger vehicle for one year.

An Ongoing Effort
BEGA has implemented many other initiatives that have improved our sustainability as a company. With initiatives like our recycling and waste management program, our Alternative Transportation Program, our ongoing efforts to limit single use plastics on campus, our investment in electric forklifts, and our offering of electric vehicle charging stations, BEGA is on the path to a sustainable future. Our recycling and waste management program alone has reduced our landfill contributions and led to 94%* of all waste being recycled.
The Highest Product Standards
Know-how, experience, and a constant willingness to learn defines our daily approach to the development of new products. Long before the term sustainability became a mere advertising slogan, we attached importance to careful design and the intelligent use of raw materials. Sustainable resource management and the creation of exemplary production facilities, for both our workforce and the environment, have been part of our basic entrepreneurial principles from the very beginning.
Our daily work is determined by our high standards in technology, craftsmanship, and usability, as well as in the aesthetic quality of our products. Our common goal is to create durable assets that are designed to stand the test of time.